Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Food Disappointment

Do you ever have disappointing food days? You know - you find that perfect recipe. The picture looks good. You can just imagine how delightful it will taste when it is all said and done. You cook or bake exactly as the recipe instructs. O! It is going to be the best thing ever!!

After heavy anticipation you open the oven door and WHAMO! disappointment hits. Your cookie, cake, bread, casserole, cinnamon rolls, soup, etc. etc. etc. is the biggest failure of the day. And then you feel sad, and never want to cook again and wonder why you just spent those however many minutes in the kitchen making your masterpiece, only to have it FAIL!

Oh my achin' back!

That happened to me. Just in case you were wondering.

I saw this recipe on the back of the Kroger graham cracker box (that should have been my first warning - I don't really trust package recipes).

Irresistible Graham Cracker Cookies.

Mmm. Perfect! They just so happened to have the same ingredients as Grandpa Nelsen's Da...ng Good Cookies (censored for the sensitive) or Magic Cookie Bars. But they were cookie form! Good, chewy, round delicious cookie form! I could only just imagine what was awaiting me through the door of the recipe!! I also thought they would be the perfect recipe to share on this blog!

But my imagination failed me, for instead of expecting the best, I should have been anticipating the worse. I pretty much thought my night was over when I pulled these out of the oven.

Flat. Too sweet. Weird with the graham as the majority of the flour. 

So let this be a lesson to all. Actually there are several lessons. 
1. Package recipes probably won't work the first time.
2. Store brand packages are probably trying to recreate the name brand package's recipes in a suspicious form. (The Magic Cookie Bars recipe appeared on the Keebler box of graham cracker crumbs that I bought.)
3. Sometimes people have bad days in the kitchen and the food turn out not very photogenic.
4. Margarine that has been in the freezer for 8 months may not be the best ingredient to use in baked goods. :)

Fortunately I didn't have to throw them away. My husband, daughter, and church peeps did me a favor and ate them on Sunday (sorry if you are reading this now and ate one).  


  1. Welcome to my world Emily! This is my life. Something tells me there is a whole slew of awesome Grandpa Nelsen recipes I need to get from you :) I'm sure that the cookies were enjoyed at the baptism, what's the saying...one persons trash is another's treasure?

  2. This is so true! Never trust those package recipes!!! Except for when they work, haha. I let other people try them and then give me the successful ones. Thanks for sharing though! I still haven't gotten bread to work *sigh.* Only that time when you came.
