Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Kitchen Sink

When I stand at my kitchen sink I think of a million and one things I want to blog about. The topics run the gamut. Some nights it is religion, others it is about motherhood - the ups and the downs. I have thoughts on sugar, eating more naturally without being extreme, waking up early, my favorite recipes, where the name "The Fruit Room" comes from and how I can eloquently describe it. I imagine how my blog will evolve as I post all of these thoughts and as people read them and share them and relate to them and feel better about themselves rather than feeling unhappy or dissatisfied because my life is not your life. Such a blog is one of my life time aspirations.

And then I stop.

It's hard to become a blogger if I am absent for months at a time.

But, hey. One post, here and another post there. Someday I'll make it.

What's my point? Accountability. The ultimate conclusion I came to tonight, at the kitchen sink, is that I need to set a goal and have people hold me to it - Leslie, my dear auntie, and Mom...I know you are out there! My June 28th resolution is to post once a week about something. Can you help me?

Ok. It's kind of weird to blog about blogging - it's kind of like when you write in your journal that you haven't written in your journal forever...ya.

So moral of the story: perhaps my internal kitchen sink banter will make its way to this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Emily--I'd love it if you'd write once a week! That's about how often I check, and it's been awhile! So I'll hold you to it. Next time I check I hope to see something new. But I'll give you a pass this week :-)
